Packing Tips for Your Upcoming Move

moving company Arvada

For most of us, even packing for a short trip is stressful – multiply that stress by 100 and you can get a vague idea of how most people feel about an upcoming move. However, with some planning, organization and a conscious change in attitude, packing can be a stress-free, even enjoyable process. Here are some tips for you.

Change the Way You Think about the Move

Moving house means that a period in your life has come to an end and new, exciting period will soon begin. Think of packing for the move as a process of sorting through your belongings to see what your new life can accommodate and to identify the items that only hold you back and need to go. Try to look at the entire process as something that is exciting, rather than as a source of stress – don’t forget, with a good attitude, nothing is impossible.

Plan the Packing with Your New Home in Mind

No two homes are the same and you will need to do all the packing with your new home in mind. If the new place is smaller than the current one, you will need to get rid of more of your items, so the sorting phase should also be done accordingly. If your new home is in a different climate zone, you need to sort your things with the features of that climate in mind – for example, if the area where your new home is located does not get any snow, packing snow shovels will be useless and will only take up valuable space.

Pack Methodically

Don’t just grab the items that you see and put them into boxes – A moving company Arvada expert suggests creating a system and stick to it. Pack the same type of items into the same box – pack plates together in one box, cutlery in another, and so on. Soft, flexible items, such as blankets, clothes or towels don’t need to go into boxes, they can be safely packed into plastic bags as well.

Ensure the Safety of Your Items

Pack fragile items into sturdy boxes, but only after safely wrapping them into wrapping paper or bubble wrap. It is a good idea to mark the boxes, too – label the boxes to know what is inside and also write FRAGILE in large letters on each side of the box, to let your movers know how to handle the boxes while loading them onto the truck.

Pack a Bag with the Items that You Will Need Right After Your Arrival at the New Place

When you get to your new home, you will probably be tired and sitting on top of lots of boxes and bags, so the least that you need will be to have to go through all those boxes and bags just to find your pajamas or your toothbrush. Pack a bag with everything you might need on your first night in the new home and make sure that bag does not get mixed with the other boxes while your items are being loaded onto the moving container.